You did it! You made it through another year, and regardless of where you are with your weight loss program, I want you to take a minute and honor yourself. Even if you feel like you didn't accomplish your weight loss goals or you didn't meet all of them, or whatever the case may be, stop the negative thinking and being hard on yourself.
If the only thing you accomplished was making a decision to lose weight, then that's something to be proud of. If you lost some weight and met some of your goals, you should be very proud of that too! And if you met all of your goals, way to go! My point is, we're all human, so anything you've done to achieve weight loss and the life you want to live is worth honoring yourself for. Take a minute and say 'thank you' to yourself in the mirror. Or take yourself on a long, loving walk, or maybe light candles and take a bath, but do something to honor you.
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Once you've done this, you can start thinking about what you could change to lose weight even better in the New Year, but you'll be able to do it from a positive, loving place by setting the stage when honoring and loving yourself.
Again, we're all human, and sometimes things do seem to hold us back when we're trying to lose weight. Usually, however, that something is almost always a particular someone: YOU. It's true. No one can want to lose weight for us anymore than they can do it for us, so take a moment and use the following suggestions to get clear on what you could do better to enter into the New Year to get to the New You that you want and deserve!.
Honor Yourself. Refer to the first 2 paragraphs above. In addition, make a list of everything you DID accomplish this past year and all the things that you are proud and appreciative of.
Reflect. Take a moment and reflect on what worked and what didn't work for you and weight loss this past year. Do this without judgment. All you're doing is taking a tally of what you could do different, and what you want to continue to do. In this process, you also want to get clear on what's holding you back. For the items that didn't work, what can you maybe do differently?
Write Down Your Goals. Next, take some time to list all of your health and weight loss goals for the upcoming year so you can get clear on what you want to accomplish. You'll then being able to map out a path to get there.
Begin Shifting Your Mindset. You began to do this by honoring yourself and thinking of all that you're proud of as suggested above. Your mindset is the most important thing that will help you lose weight or hold you back. There are techniques you can use, like visualization, meditation, vision boards and affirmations, to help you shift your mindset for successful weight loss, so do some research and find which one works for you (or several) and use it (them) faithfully.
It's important to move into the New Year with the right frame of mind for weight loss. Use these tips to set the stage for a successful year that includes a slimmer, healthier and happier you!
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